Weather in Gothenburg

Presummer weather in Gothenburg can be lovely, sunny and about 20 degrees Celsius. But it can also be rainy, windy and a bit cold. Take a look at the weather forecast before you go, and bring a rain coat just in case.


In Sweden the power plug sockets are of type C and F. Remember to bring a appropriate travel plug adapter that fits the local sockets if you are travelling from abroad.

Cash or card?

The currency in Sweden is the Swedish krona (SEK), with the plural form being ‘kronor.’ However, it is becoming increasingly harder to pay with cash. Many places only accept payment cards, and the most commonly accepted cards, which work everywhere, are Visa and Mastercard.

Health and travel insurance

We hope and believe that nothing will happen that would require you to need it, but if an accident were to occur, you must have health and travel insurance. It’s your sole responsibility.