Monday 3 June 2024

Participance is included in the registration fee and we ask everyone kindly to state which session(s) you will attend at the time of registration.

Location: Chalmers campus, Architecture and Civil Engineering, the SBII-house. Sven Hultins gata 6. Download a campus map to find your way to the workshop location.

To get there:The workshop location is approximately a 40-minute walk from the conference venue or a 20-minute tram ride. Take tram number 7 (direction “Tynnered”) from Drottningtorget in front of the conference venue and get off at the “Chalmers” stop. If you are staying elsewhere, check the schedule for the most convenient option. Tram lines 10, 8, 7, and 6, as well as bus 16, all stop at “Chalmers”.
Find information on purchasing tickets and accessing schedules on the  “Getting around in Gothenburg” page.

Food: Lunch is on your own.

08:30- Registration at Sven Hultins gata 6  opens
09:30-12:30 Workshops
12:30-14:00 Lunch on your own
14:00-17:00 Workshops

Please note that all times and locations (rooms) etc. are subject to change.

Full day sessions (09:30 – 17:00)

InvenioRDM Workshop 2024 (room SB-M500)

Super – Simple – Static – Sustainable: a low resource repository jam (room SB3-L113)

Morning sessions (09:30 – 12:30)

Creating DOIs with rich metadata using DSpace (room SB-M415)

Open Science Framework (OSF) Search API for Research Transparency and Discovery (room SB3-L112)

Research Activity Identifiers (RAiDs): Opening the ‘black box’ of project information (room SB-M022)

Unlocking Accessibility: PDF Annotation with PDF/UA Standard and WCAG Guidelines (room SB3-L111)

Afternoon sessions (14:00 – 17:00)

DSpace Developer Meet-Up and Q&A (room SB3-L111)

Getting running with ARK persistent identifiers (room SB-M022, 14:00 – 15:30)

Introduction to the Annif automated indexing tool (room SB3-L112)

Leverage the DataCite REST API for metadata discovery and creation (room SB-M415)