Time: 09:30 – 12:30 (90 mins)
Room: SB-M022
Chairs: Shawn Adrian Ross and Siobhann McCafferty (Australian Research Data Commons)

This workshop introduces the Research Activity Identifier (RAiD) system, allows participants to use a demonstration version of the system to create and edit RAiDs, offers a forum for participants to discuss how RAiD could be used at their organisation, and provides an opportunity for participants to give feedback to the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC), the lead developer of the RAiD system.


This workshop targets repository managers, funders, research managers or administrators, researchers or other data producers, librarians, and other research support staff – anyone who needs to manage, administer, document, report on, or assess research projects.


A Research Activity Identifier (RAiD) is a globally unique, persistent identifier (PID) for research projects or activities. It consists of an identifier (a DOI) and a metadata record. The metadata record links various project components (e.g. contributors, organisations, grants, instruments, publications, datasets, events, etc.) to the project, using PIDs wherever possible (e.g. ORCiDs for contributors, RORs for organisations, DataCite DOIs for datasets, etc.). A RAiD also contains project information not found elsewhere, such as project title, start date, description and subject. RAiDs can be linked to one another using qualified relationships so that (e.g.) sub-projects can be created. RAiD is governed by ISO standard 23527:2022.

RAiD has significant potential to improve research project management. It provides a ‘single source of truth’ for project information, eliminating data double-entry and helping coordinate such information within and between organisations. RAiD tracks project inputs and outputs over the long term, providing evidence for research impact and facilitating reporting by researchers, research organisations and funders. For example, organisations can use RAiD to see how internal resourcing led to external grants, or to important outputs like journal articles, datasets, policy papers, or patents. RAiD also makes projects more transparent by recording and exposing the project participants, funding, and other components as they change over time; anyone can look at a RAiD and see who was involved in a project and when, what resources were used, and what outputs were produced. Finally, RAiD links and aggregates various PIDs to help people understand how research is conducted, shedding light on what investments yield results. Funders, infrastructure providers, and research organisations, for example, can now begin to see what combination of funding, equipment, personnel, organisational support, and other resourcing leads to high-impact research outcomes.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Describe what a RAiD is and how the RAiD system works
  • Authenticate with a RAiD service and request access to a Service Point
  • Create and edit a RAiD using a web applications
  • Review a RAiD record history and revert a RAiD to a prior state
  • Acquire an API token and manipulate RAiDs via the API (optional)
  • Assess how RAiD could be implemented in their organisation
  • Present a case for RAiD adoption to their organisations, including the steps necessary to begin using RAiD


Attendees will need a laptop. Software will be discussed at the beginning of the session and will be a freely available open source application.

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