Time: 09:30 – 12:30
Room: SB3-L111
Chairs: Łukasz Kobyliński, Łukasz Skonieczny, Agata Drozd, Antoni Marek and Jakub Koperwas (Sages)

The workshop aims to enlighten participants on the significance of document accessibility, with a focus on PDFs. Participants will learn the intricacies of annotating PDFs according to the PDF/UA standard and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). The tutorial-style workshop will provide a hands-on experience, illustrating the challenges of PDF annotation and introducing tools that can streamline the process. An automated method (based on Artificial Intelligence) that was presented during OR2022 will also be used during the workshop.


Repository managers, data producers, librarians.


The workshop should be important for the intended audience for the following reasons:

  1. Legal Compliance: Many countries and regions have legal requirements mandating accessibility standards for digital content. Understanding how to make PDFs accessible ensures that individuals and organizations can comply with these regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues.
  2. Ethical and Inclusive Practices: Accessibility is not just a legal obligation; it’s an ethical responsibility. Participants will learn how creating accessible PDFs contributes to inclusivity, ensuring that everyone, regardless of ability, can access and benefit from the information.
  3. Wider Reach and Audience Engagement: Accessible documents reach a broader audience, including individuals with disabilities. Professionals in content creation, design, and distribution will discover that making documents accessible improves engagement and extends their reach to a more diverse audience.
  4. Efficiency and Time Savings: The workshop addresses the challenges of manual PDF annotation and introduces tools that can streamline the process. Professionals will learn how automation tools can save time and improve efficiency in creating accessible content.
  5. Adaptation to Evolving Standards: The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and standards for accessibility are continuously updated. Professionals attending the workshop will stay informed about the latest standards, ensuring their documents remain compliant and up-to-date.
  6. Skill Development: The hands-on tutorial aspect of the workshop allows participants to actively develop and practice their skills in annotating PDFs. This practical experience is invaluable for professionals seeking to enhance their document creation and accessibility skills.
  7. Networking Opportunities: The workshop provides a platform for professionals from diverse fields to come together, share experiences, and discuss common challenges. Networking opportunities during the workshop can lead to collaborative efforts and knowledge exchange.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this workshop students will:

  • understand the importance of accessibility
  • comprehend PDF/UA standard and WCAG guidelines
  • annotate PDF documents according to standards
  • identify challenges in manual annotation
  • utilize tools for efficient PDF annotation
  • apply knowledge in practical scenarios
  • assess the impact on document accessibility
  • stay informed about evolving standards
  • enhance efficiency in document creation
  • promote accessibility in professional practices


Participants could bring their laptops or devices with PDF annotation capabilities to follow the tutorial (Adobe Acrobat Pro is required in that case). It is however not a strict requirement, as the tutorial is meant to show the general idea of PDF annotation and is not a comprehensive training in that matter. Other open source tools and access to the web annotation platform will be provided before the workshop.

Workshop materials, including sample PDFs, annotation guides, and additional resources, will be provided.

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